
Xidian Media Lab

Meng Jian

Faculty of Information Technology
Beijing University of Technology

Email: mjian@bjut.edu.cn


I am a postdoctor candidate in Beijing University of Technology.

My current research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning.


Sep. 2010 - Jan. 2016: Ph.D., Pattern Recognition and Information System, Xidian University, China

Sep. 2006 - Jul. 2010: B.S., Electronic Information Science and Technology, Xidian University, China


[J14] Meng Jian, Lifang Wu, Cheolkon Jung, Qingtao Fu, Ting Jia, "Visual saliency Estimation Using Constraints," Neurocomputing: 2018.

[J13] Lifang Wu, Chuncan Yan,Meng Jian, Shuang Liu, weiming Dong, Chang Wen Chen, "A Fast Hybrid Retargeting Scheme with Seam Context and Content Aware Strip Partition," Neurocomputing: 2018 ,Vol. 286, No. 19 ,pp. 198-213.

[J12] Lifang Wu, Yaowen Xu,Meng Jian, Xiao Xu, Wei Qi, "Face Liveness Detection Scheme with Static and Dynamic Features," International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing(IJWMIP): 2018.

[J11] Lifang Wu, Bowen Yang, Meng Jian, Dai Zhang, and Lei Zhang, "MPPR: Multi Perspective Page Rank for User Influence estimation," IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing: 2018.

[J10] Lifang Wu, Jiaoyu He, Meng Jian, Jianan Zhang, Yunzhen Zou, "Fast Cloud Image Segmentation with Superpixel Analysis based Convolutional Networks," International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP): 2017.

[J9] Lifang Wu, Lei Zhang, Meng Jian, Dai Zhang, Haiying Liu, "Image Recommendation on Content-based Bipartite Graph," International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service (ICIMCS): 2017.

[J8] Lifang Wu, Shuang Liu, Meng Jian, Jiebo Luo, Xiuzhen Zhang, Mingchao Qi, "Reducing Noisy Labels In Weakly Labeled Data For Visual Sentiment Analysis," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP): 2017.

[J7] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, "Semi-supervised Bi-dictionary Learning for Image Classification with Smooth Representation-Based Label Propagation," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 458-473, 2016 (SCI).

[J6] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, "Interactive Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Constraint Propagation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 1301-1311, 2016 (SCI)

[C1] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, "Semi-supervised Bi-dictionary Learning Using Smooth Representation-Based Label Propagation," IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC), 2015.

[J5] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, Yanbo Shen, Juan Liu, “Interactive Image Retrieval Using Constraints,” Neurocomputing, Vol. 161, pp. 210-219, 2015.

[J4] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, Yanbo Shen, Licheng Jiao, Juan Liu, “Adaptive Constraint Propagation for Semi-Supervised Kernel Matrix Learning,” Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 107-123, 2015.

[J3] Cheolkon Jung, Meng Jian, Juan Liu, Licheng Jiao, Yanbo Shen, “Interactive Image Segmentation Via Kernel Propagation,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 2745-2755, 2014.

[J2] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, Yaoguo Zheng, “Discriminative Structure Learning for Semantic Concept Detection with Graph Embedding,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 413-426, 2014.

[J1] Meng Jian, Cheolkon Jung, “Class-discriminative kernel sparse representation-based classification using multi-objective optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No. 18, pp. 4416-4417, 2013.

Awards and Honors

[1] National Scholarship (2013 & 2014)

[2] CETC Scholarship (2013)

[3] Academic Star in Key Lab of Intelligent Perception and ImageUnderstanding of Ministry of Education of China, Xidian University (2013.5, 2013.10, 2014.5)

[4] Outstanding Graduates Pacesetter in Xidian University (2013)

[5] Outstanding Graduate Student Cadre in Xidian University (2014)

Professional Activities

[1] Invited Speaker, 13th National Doctoral Annual Workshop (2015)

[2] Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2014~Present)

[3] Invited Speaker, Academic Workshop Hosted by Key Lab of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China in Xidian University (2013, 2014)

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