MS Candidate
Xidian Media Lab, School of Electronic Engineering
Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China
I am an MS Candidate in Xidian University, Xi’an, China, under the supervision of Prof. Cheolkon Jung. (Link to our lab:
My research interests include image processing and deep learning.
MS, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Xidian Universtiy, 2017~Present
BS, Remote Sensing Science and Technology, Xidian University, 2013~2017
[C1] Kailong Zhou, Cheolkon Jung, "Alternately Guided Depth Super-Resolution Using Weighted Least Squares and Zero-Order Reverse Filtering," in: Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2019 (EI).
[C2] K. Zhou and C. Jung. Multispectral fusion of rgb and nir images using weighted least squares and alternating guidance. In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 1489–1493, 2020 (EI).
[J1] C. Jung, K. Zhou, and J. Feng. Fusionnet: Multispectral fusion of rgb and nir images using two stage convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access, 8:23912–23919, 2020 (SCI).
[1] First-Class Scholarship of Xidian University (2017)
[2] National Scholarship (2019).